Spellwork Of Reading

Padma Lindzey
2 min readJan 22, 2022

Hi there! Do like reading? What comes to your mind when you hear the word reading? For me, it’s the spell working of words and tales on me. Reading acts more on my nerves and brain than a cup of chamomile tea. It jinxes keep me calm and common. I use to read before going to bed, which help me to rejoice in my sleep and it always took me to wonderful trances. While reading I use to get into the tale or writing so deeply that got into a different land and street of different places in the world. While reading a book by Murakami, I strolled the street of Japan and even enjoy the travel subway train there. Reading works for me in a very positive way.

Advantages of Reading

Reading helps you to keep calm control anxiety and other mental illness. It keeps you away from the rushing thoughts in your mind. It overcomes “Overthinking”.It alleviates stress and maintains cognitively activity.

It helps to grow empathy and tenderness. Reading fiction helps to increase empathy and see things from others points of view. It also makes you consider others philosophies and perceptions.

It helps you to become resourceful and informative. It boosts your creativity and helps to encourage your confidence. It makes you more intelligent and strengthen the lifespan.

Way of thinking and thinking of a person change due to reading. It helps a person to have an optimistic mindset and value. It makes the perception of a person more flexible and imaginative.

More books more tales, it could be sad but it makes you more pragmatic and constructive. Connect yourself with books and read.

